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Writer's pictureDani California

HOW TO GROW WEED: everything you need to know to get started!

Updated: May 4, 2022

Looking for information on how to grow marijuana?

Here's a step-by-step guide with everything you need to know to grow and harvest your own cannabis flowers. Check out!

how to grow weed cannabis hemp marijuana sativa indica ruderalis cbd

Home growing is an increasingly popular alternative among cannabis users. After all, knowing how to grow marijuana can make all the difference in the quality – and costs – of the weed consumed, making it an excellent harm reduction strategy for cannabis users.

Not to mention that cannabis gardening is also an interesting and rewarding hobby.

Moving the earth (or rather the substrate, as you will learn in a moment) is an activity that promotes wellness and helps to relax the tensions of everyday life.

But marijuana is not a plant like the others. Target of the ban, it requires redoubled attention so that it can grow and flourish.

For these reasons and others, before opting for self-cultivation, take into account all the factors and risks involved, including the laws in force in the region where you live and all the investments necessary for the undertaking.

Yes, because as we will see in this article, it is not enough to throw any seed in any land and expect a bountiful harvest.

To get quality flowers, you need to have a minimum of structure, in addition to a lot of love and dedication.

Want to know how to grow weed at home? Check out the topics below!

1. Indoor or outdoor growth: plan your space!

After making the decision to plant marijuana, the first thing to do is plan the space where the cultivation will be. This spot is also often called a “grow” by gardeners.

A very resistant plant species with a short cycle, cannabis can grow and thrive both outdoors, but also inside bedrooms, closets, bathrooms and greenhouses suitable for this purpose.

Whether indoors or outdoors, it is essential to ensure that plants receive the basic ingredients for their development, that is: a good substrate, water, light and adequate ventilation.

Get to know each of the cultivation modalities and choose the one that is most suitable for you:



​It consists of planting marijuana outdoors, making the most of the natural lighting and ventilation conditions of the place. As the plants grow in full sunlight, oudoor cultivation does not require the use of lighting systems, making it the cheapest option. Another advantage is the possibility of growing huge plants, if there is space and possibilities. However, it is necessary to have a suitable place, as the plants will be more exposed, which can attract the attention of unwanted people. You need to be extra careful with neighbors, visitors and service providers. Outdoors, plants are also more susceptible to pests and weather.

Indoor cultivation, on the other hand, consists of growing marijuana indoors, including bedrooms, bathrooms, closets and greenhouses designed specifically for this – the so-called grow tents (or growbox). Here, you can have full control over the variables that influence the development of plants, such as temperature, humidity and time of exposure to light. In addition, it is the most discreet and safe modality, precisely because it is developed in closed places. But all this literally comes at a price. Indoor cultivation requires greater investment in equipment, not to mention the monthly addition to the electricity bill.

2. What kind of marijuana should I plant?

cannabis sativa indica ruderalis hemp marijuana rhcp weed


​Known for their euphoric and energizing effects, Sativas are ideal for those who need higher doses of THC.

The plants of this variety are characterized by being taller, with thin and elongated leaves, in addition to less dense flowers.

They are ideal for outdoor gardens, they like well-ventilated and spacious environments – and they have a longer flowering period, exceeding 12 weeks.


cannabis sativa indica ruderalis hemp marijuana rhcp weed


Short in stature, Indica plants have wider leaves and dense, compact flowers.

They cause more “body” breezes, with emphasis on the relaxing and calming effects.

The flowering period is shorter, ranging from 8 to 10 weeks.


cannabis sativa indica ruderalis hemp marijuana rhcp weed


To this day, there are disagreements among botanists as to whether ruderalis is really a third type of marijuana – or just a variation on the previous types.

It has a shorter flowering cycle and is widely used in the production of automatic seeds.

cannabis sativa indica ruderalis grow weed leaf hemp marijuana
Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis indica leaf sativa ruderalis plant groe hemp marijuana
Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Ruderalis sativa indica grow leaf hemp marijuana
Cannabis Ruderalis

3. Cannabis plant Gender

In home cultivation, the objective is to obtain female plants, as the males produce only pollen. Marijuana is a dioecious plant, that is, it has male and female flowers on different individuals.

How to identify the gender of the cannabis plant?

It is not possible to know the sex of the marijuana plant at the outset unless you are already growing a feminized seed. Otherwise, keep an eye on your cultivation from the 4th week, approximately, when the plants will start to show sex.

Pay Attention:

How to identify the gender of the cannabis plant?

Female plants are formed by pistils, which are small “white hairs” that appear between the nodes.

Male plants, on the other hand, do not have pistils, but are composed of small “balls” at their bases, which are full of pollen that has no therapeutic effects, but serves only for plant reproduction (which is usually not of interest to growers. homemade).

That way, the sooner the males are removed from the grow, the better. This way you free up space in the garden for the females and avoid pollinating them, which could ruin the harvest.

4. Clone or seed?

There are two ways to start cannabis cultivation, whether indoors or outdoors: seeds or cuttings.

marijuana cannabis sativa indica ruderalis hemp weeds weed grow

Also called “clones” among growers around the world, cuttings by cuttings stimulate the rooting of portions (cuttings) of stems and branches of the plant.

These are exact “copies” of the mother plant, thus offering the certainty that they will be females and guaranteeing the maintenance of the genetics.

Another advantage of clones is the slightly faster vegetative growth than that observed in plants originating from seeds, speeding up cultivation and anticipating harvests.

The seeds, in turn, are also excellent when starting to grow, guaranteeing plants that are sometimes larger and more robust than the clones.

Marijuana seeds, hemp seeds, cannabis seeds, weed seed

With a plethora of seed and genetic banks on the market – including lots of high-end brands and poor quality strains, with no selection or improvement – ​​you have to be careful when investing in cannabis seeds.

Before purchasing, research the origin and reputation of the supplier, and look at specific genetic information (is it Indica? Sativa? Flowering time? Yield?) to see if it is suitable for your conditions and expectations.

It is worth remembering that seeds or clones are not always accessible to everyone.

If this is your case, know that it is possible to plant even the seeds that are so common in pressed marijuana, the so-called “preseeds”. With dedication and lots of love, they can yield beautiful and powerful flowers!

5. Choose soil type

Before taking action, you need to define some basic items that will determine the characteristics of your crop, starting with the type of soil.

Avoid using common black earth, the kind that are normally sold in flower shops for planting other species.

Remember that marijuana is a different plant, which can yield even more bountiful harvests if you pay attention to all the details, starting with the substrate.

Generally speaking, there are two main types of soil:

​Organic Soil

​Inert Soil

​Also called “living soil”, it is rich in microorganisms that can benefit (or, in case of an imbalance, ruin) the crop.

​Free from nutrients and organic matter, it requires the grower to add all the elements necessary for the plant's development.

– Inert soil: in this case, it is essential to invest in fertilizers that will be applied mainly during irrigation, but also via foliage (only during the vegetative phase). There are several brands of nutrients on the market, choose the most affordable one for you.

Here are some suggestions for ideal soil compositions for growing marijuana, according to information from the Growroom forum:

  • Peat and Perlite Blend (inert) – 50% Sphagnum Peat and 50% Perlite.

  • Inert mixture with coconut (inert) – 1/3 of Sphagnum Peat, 1/3 of Perlite and 1/3 of Coconut Fiber.

  • Organic Mixture with Humus – 40% Sphagnum Peat, 40% Perlite and 20% Worm Humus.

  • Organic mix with compost – 40% Sphagnum Peat, 40% Perlite and 20% compost.

6. Minimum structure needed to grow marijuana

We have prepared a small checklist with the basic items to start growing cannabis at home.

Write down:

  • Substrate

  • vases

  • Pruning scissors

  • Lamps (indoor)

  • Fan (indoor)

  • Reflector (indoor)

  • Greenhouse (indoor)

7. How to germinate a cannabis seed

After defining the location and method of cultivation, it's time to officially start your garden!

If you choose seeds instead of seedlings, you will need to germinate them. The process is quite easy, but it always requires attention from the gardener.

There are still other methods for germination: using only water, wet cotton or specific cultivation cells for this purpose.

Observe the temperature so that it is around 25ºC until the seed germinates.

Keeping the humidity high is also important, so make sure the seeds are moist every 12 hours and, if necessary, add a little more water.

When the seeds grow into sprouts, it's time to place them in the chosen soil – this is why it is so important to choose and provide the type of substrate before germination occurs.

While the plants are small, the ideal is to leave them in small individual pots or specific trays for gardening, so the roots can develop and strengthen in better conditions.

As soon as the plant's white roots begin to show through the holes at the bottom of the pot, it's time to transplant it into a larger container, where your plant will develop over the next few months.

8. Cannabis plant growth stages

The life cycle of marijuana is well defined and relatively short compared to other plant species.

However, to obtain good harvest yields, it is crucial to understand the different photoperiods of the plant: vegetative and flowering.

VEGETATIVE PERIOD (average 8 to 16 weeks)

hemp cbd cannnabis marijuana sativa indica ruderalis

In order for you to understand how the photoperiod of marijuana works, imagine the plant growing in its natural environment.

In summer, when the days are longer and clearer, cannabis remains in a vegetative period – that is, it continues to grow nonstop, producing roots, branches and leaves. At this stage, there is still no formation of flowers.

The longer your plant vegetates, the greater your harvest.

However, if space at home is limited, shorten the growing season slightly to control the plant's growth.

The vegetative period usually occurs with 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness.

The duration of the vegetative phase varies depending on the strain, but averages from 8 to 12 weeks.

FLOWERING PERIOD (average 8 to 12 weeks)

hemp cbd cannnabis marijuana sativa indica ruderalis

With the arrival of autumn, when the hours of light decrease, the plant stops growing and begins the flowering process, when pistils form. At this stage, the plant stops producing branches and leaves, concentrating on the production of pistils, terpenes, trichomes and many cannabinoids.

In indoor marijuana cultivation, it is possible to manipulate the photoperiod to induce plant growth and flowering, increasing the time of darkness.

The flowering period occurs with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.

The length of the flowering period varies depending on cannabis genetics, but averages from 8 to 12 weeks.

TIP #1: If you plan to plant outdoors, you must follow the calendar to the letter, putting the seeds to germinate in the middle of spring, so that they vegetate in the summer and flower in the fall.

TIP #2: It is worth remembering that, often, plants grown outdoors do not bloom – or revegetate – because they end up getting indirect light from some source around, such as street lamps. Ensure 100% darkness for your plants during the growing season for at least 12 hours.

TIP #3: There are also growers who bet on up to 24 hours of uninterrupted light to accelerate the development of plants during the vega, especially when they are automatic seeds.

TIP #4: During flora, pay extra attention to the humidity in your grow room. If the environment is too humid, there is a high chance that marijuana will mold, putting your crop at risk.

TIP #5: It is during flowering that plants exude the strongest smell. To reduce odor and avoid greater smudges with the surroundings, activated carbon filters are a good option.

9. Growing Marijuana at Home: Harvest Time!

Here is the most awaited moment by all growers: harvest time!

Growing marijuana at home is also an exercise in patience. So respect the plant's timing and learn the right time to harvest its flowers.

Remembering that there is no “cake recipe” for this. Each grower has their own preference for harvest and post-harvest times and methods.

There are two main factors that indicate that the herb is ready to be harvested:

Darkened pistils: initially white, the pistils change color according to the development of the flowers and will reach the end of the cycle with different and darker colors, ranging from brown, yellow, pink and purple, among others.

hemp cbd cannnabis marijuana sativa indica ruderalis

Trichomes: Trichomes are the resin-filled glands that are on the surface of marijuana flowers. Watching them through a magnifying glass is the best way to know the right time to "pass the knife" on your precious girls. There is no exact consensus, but many gardeners prefer to harvest when about 70% to 80% of the trichomes are milky white and 30% to 20% are amber.

10. Drying

Don't think that just pick and the flowers are ready to smoke.

hemp cbd cannnabis marijuana sativa indica ruderalis

Before setting fire to the bomb, it is necessary to dry the buds. This is one of the most crucial steps in all cultivation, so it's not worth discounting just because the rush to smoke is greater.

Here are some tips for drying cannabis:

Separate the plants into branches;

Hang the branches upside down on clotheslines or use their own drying screens;

Some people prefer to “manicure” (ie, remove excess leaves) before drying. Others prefer to do this procedure with the flowers already dried. It is up to you to decide which method suits you best. We usually recommend removing excess leaves before putting them to dry, completing the “manicure” after drying;

The drying period varies from 10 to 30 days. Remembering that the climatic conditions of the place – drier or humid weather – can speed up or delay the process;

The drying environment must be dark and well ventilated;

Do not put your flowers to dry in contact with cardboard or newspaper, as this can affect the taste of the herb.

To know if the grass has dried up, it's simple: try to break one of the branches. If it clicks, the step is complete.

Now, the ideal is to store the buds in airtight glass jars to better preserve the aromas and flavors.

11. Curing and Storage

After drying, it is critical to store the flowers properly to ensure they maintain their quality.

The healing process can vary in duration, but a minimum of 20 to 30 days is generally recommended.

To cure the buds, just place them preferably in airtight glass jars, keeping them in a dark environment for the desired period. Occasionally – for example, every 2 or 3 days – open the jars to promote air exchange.

From there, just consume your ganja the way you prefer, whether smoked, steamed, in culinary extractions or various concentrates!

Good harvests!

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