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Writer's pictureDani California

Cannabis Vaporizers: 5 Advantages of Using Cannabis with a Vape

A marijuana vaporizer allows for a personalized experience with fewer carcinogens and enhanced flavor. All of this comes in a discreet device that usually masks the smell. Here are the top five advantages of marijuana vaporizers.

1) Cannabis vaporizers do not burn plant matter

The burning and subsequent inhalation of any plant material is always harmful to health to some degree. Marijuana vaporizers help reduce exposure to harmful carcinogens present in burned cannabis. Reducing this exposure to toxic compounds does not mean less potency.

In a study published by the University of California (2006), researchers found that when compared to smoking, “a smokeless cannabis vaping device provides the same levels of THC.” Patients who vape deny exposure to various harmful compounds such as carbon monoxide (CO). The researchers commented that, “using CO as an indicator, there was virtually no exposure to harmful combustion products using the vaporization device (dry grass).”

One thing worth mentioning is that marijuana vaporizers come in two forms: conduction and convection vaporizers. Inferior vaporizers use conduction, something that involves direct contact between the flower and a heating coil, which often leads to burning. Most modern vaporizers use convection heating, where there is no direct contact between the flower and the heating element. Essentially, this means that the flower is “cooked” by heated air. The beneficial compounds evaporate, but the plant material does not burn.

2) Cannabis vaporizers mask the smell

It is not always accepted to consume cannabis. In certain places, even areas within legal jurisdictions, it is sometimes necessary to keep a low profile. Some people find the smell of cannabis offensive. But with a marijuana vaporizer, users have the ideal way to use it discreetly without offending others with the smell of burning weed.

An important tip is that users with a herbal vaporizer should allow the chamber to cool down between applications. When the chamber is hot, it produces a thicker vapor which leads to a more pungent smell. The more the patient uses the marijuana vaporizer, the more residue accumulates in the chamber. Regular cleaning of the chamber helps to combat any lingering odors.

3) Cannabis vaporizers consume less of their stock

The flower lasts longer when not burned at 500°C. Many marijuana vaporizers allow the consumer to set the desired temperature, something that helps ensure minimal waste. A herbal vaporizer allows patients to medicate themselves as needed, making it ideal for those who need small doses often. This eliminates the temptation to consume large amounts at once and waste medicine, like with a joint.

The benefits of marijuana vaporizers continue even after vaping. Smoked cannabis turns to ash after consumption, while steamed cannabis is slightly charred and often still contains many beneficial compounds. Known as “already vaporized bud”, it is commonly used to make edibles, tinctures or capsules.

4) Vapes: Increased efficiency and bioavailability

The active compounds in cannabis are delicate. Any combustion during administration results in the loss of more than half of the beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes prior to inhalation. Patients may also lose another fifteen to twenty percent as the flower burns between harvests.

The lower temperatures used in vaporization allow for the preservation of many beneficial compounds. As a result, subsequent steam is often more potent, allowing patients to utilize the compounds' full potential, resulting in financial savings over time.

An added benefit that comes from this is personalizing the experience. The temperature used dictates the intensity of the drug effect. The higher the temperature, the more potent and faster the effect. This is because cannabinoids and terpenes have different boiling points.

The memory-boosting terpene pinene evaporates at 155 degrees Celsius, while linalool, the terpene that helps with sleep, anxiety and pain, evaporates at 197 degrees Fahrenheit. All of the major terpenes and cannabinoids interact with each other through what is known as the entourage effect. When vaping, patients can easily customize the experience and introduce larger or smaller amounts of a specific compound to help modulate the desired effect.

5) Smoking with vapes is more pleasant for the lungs and throat

Vaporized cannabis is much healthier than smoke produced by conventional combustion. With lower temperatures, there is less throat irritation and a more pleasant experience.

A study published in the Harm Reduction Journal (2007), found that vaping cannabis can reduce breathing problems otherwise experienced by smoking cannabis. The impact of a vaporizer was more significant as the amount of cannabis consumption increased.

In the study, “100 out of 152 vape users (65.8 percent) reported no breathing problems.” But the researchers also noticed a “significant” reaction between cannabis use and cigarette use with regard to respiratory health. They concluded that "use of a vaporizer predicted fewer respiratory symptoms, even when age, sex, smoking, and the amount of cannabis consumed were taken into account."

The combustion of marijuana results in less tar reaching the lungs. Patients can get optimal benefits by using a convection vaporizer unit. For discreet, portable and safer cannabis administration, dry herb vaporizers can be the ideal companion for many patients.

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